Content Creation for beginners in Nigeria

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Creating Content is one lucrative avenue to make your voice heard and live out your dreams. If you are called into this space as a Content Creator, you will love what you are doing and thereby live a most fulfilled life.

What is Content Creation ?

To simply put it, Content creation is defined as the process of putting ideas together to serve a specific audience. The contents can be in form of writing, audio or visual contents.

Ideas rules the World and when you have original ideas, you can make the World a better place. Content is as valuable as water, although water is everywhere especially in the sea, the sea water is not valuable for drinking. As a Content Creator, you need to create value to attract audience.

Listen to Abundant Life by Olashoplife on YouTube Music

Types of Content Format for Nigerian Audience

The World is now a global village, what is obtainable in other parts of the World is what you can see here in Nigeria. To start creating content, you need to choose a format that will suit you. A lot of people don’t have problems talking on camera, so visual contents is an ideal format. A lot of people is comfortable with writing or audio contents. So, you can choose one content format as a beginner Content Creator in Nigeria.


This is the default format for Content Creators in Nigeria, written contents gives you the opportunity to express your mind and connect to almost everybody in a simple and well organized format. Writing is dated back to the time immemorial, engaging with writing as a content creator will boost your profile and attracts to you people that loves what you are writing about.


This Content Creation format can be in form of music, podcast, or audio messages. As music marketer, I tell music artists that contacted us for promotion on Smen Music and Shoplife that Music creation is a part of Content Creation and the earlier a musician realized that he is a content creator, the better for him to start using the opportunities for himself.

For example, a writer can also use the audio format by turning his or her writings into audio messages or learn how to do a podcast.


The is the most powerful of all content formats in this digital age. A video is said to give 79% more in triggering emotions than writing contents. As we all know, there is a saying that goes like this “A Picture is worth more than a thousand words”

Visual contents can be anything from Videos, Graphics, Infographics etc. A graphic designer is a Content Creator that make use of his skills to produce a valuable materials for marketing or social purpose in order to communicate ideas to an audience.

Olashoplife – Abundant Life

Becoming a Content Creator as a Beginner in Nigeria

With the content creation format listed above, how then do you become a content creator as a beginner in Nigeria? I will give you some few tips below. These are what helped me to become a Content Creator and allows me to earn millions every year from my work.

I am sharing this with you so that you will know how to navigate the Big ocean as a digital content creator in Nigeria. When I started in this space in 2014, I had to learn through the hard ways , unlearning and relearning a lot of things to become stable and earn from my work. Below is my few tips that will take you from being a beginner content creator in Nigeria to a pro.

5 Steps to Becoming a Beginner Content Creator in Nigeria

  1. Make a Research : One of the most painful thing is to dabble into a space you either don’t have passion for or you are not knowledgeable about. To become a content creator, you are not just after the money, you are in it to give values to your audience. When value is established, money will come to the place where value resides. The home of value is where money lives. To make a research means to search and re-search; it’s to dig deep into yourself and bring out the best in you for the World to use. So, do your research physically, digitally, mentally and spiritually to discover your spehres of infleunce.
  2. Choose a Niche : One of the benefit of digging inside you to bring out the best in you to give to the World is that it will allows you to focus on an area of influence. To build an audience, you need to influence and you can have a big impact doing everything. You have to be focused on one thing first, then as your influence increase, it will naturally extends to other areas of life.
  3. Pick a Content Format: Are you good with photography?, then you can start a content creation on that lane and make good money for yourself. If you love sharing your ideas on with Words, you can choose to start a blog. Choosing and staying with a content format will give you leverage to learn other content format overtime. Also, you need to know that Content Creation is all about Inspiration and skills. If you are a writer that is just starting on your writing journey, don’t let that deter you from being a content creator, writing frequently will allows you to perfect your skill. The Mind is built in a way that you have to feed it with a particular thing as many times and possible before it will pick it up.
  4. Choose the Platform: If you love creating video, you need to pick a video platform and begin with just that one before moving to another. You can start on YouTube and gradually move to Tik Tok and Instagram. You need to choose one platform and master the algorithm in order to build an audience on it. It’s easier to connect to your audience on other platforms than trying to build many platforms at the same time.
  5. Be relentless : It’s not an easy route, you are not just going to start as a content creator and you start raking in millions. It will takes time and handwork to achieve, that is why you must be relentless, passionate and courageous to give it all it will take.

In Conclusion, taking Content Creation serious means you want to add value to people’s lives. When you add great values, you reap good rewards. Welcome to the World of Content Creation.



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